Welcome to the pink gym! We are here to teach you to be the best you can be in a fun and safe environment!

Holiday Sessions

We run holiday sessions, camps and workshops throughout the Easter and Summer school holidays. These are available to both members and non-members of South Durham Gymnastics Club.  

Please note: As a high-performance gymnastics centre with specialised equipment, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment. We have a legal obligation to ensure it is safe for everyone to participate in gymnastics, following British Gymnastics guidelines. Some contraindications to gymnastics, such as Dwarfism, Brittle Bones, Detaching Retina, Rodded Spine, and Down’s Syndrome, require medical advice or screening before participation. If your child has any of these conditions, please contact us at gym@southdurhamgym.co.uk. A member of our team will be happy to discuss your needs and guide you through the next steps for joining our sessions.