Welcome to the pink gym! We are here to teach you to be the best you can be in a fun and safe environment!

COVID-19 Update (17.03.2020)

COVID-19 Update (17.03.2020)

Following on from the Government’s latest updates, we would like to confirm that South Durham Gymnastics will remain open and all sessions will continue to run as normal, unless advised otherwise by British Gymnastics or Public Health England. The Leisure Centre will also remain open, so the gym can be accessed through the main entrance as normal. 

  • Further increasing the frequency of our cleaning in our public spaces and matting surfaces, with particular focus on door handles, light switches, railings, etc.
  • Keeping soap dispensers and hand towels topped up within our toilets & changing rooms
  • Advising all staff to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently, before and after each session
  • Instructing the staff to remind all gymnasts to wash their hands / use sanitiser before and after classes; if you hear a coach ask your child to do this, please do not be offended


  • Avoid close contact with people who are feeling ill
  • Stay at home for 14 days if you/your child/anyone you live with has either a high temperature, or a new, continuous cough (as per Government/NHS guidelines - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/)
  • Ensure anyone who enters the gymnastics centre washes their hands immediately once they have entered
  • Remind your child to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

As a Charity, we are concerned about the future of the club as we do not have large reserves to use if we have to close. Nonetheless, Team Pink will continue to work together throughout these uncertain times, and once again, we thank everyone for their continued support.