The North Voluntary Levels 2017 which were held at City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy saw a large amount of our elite and intermediate squad gymnasts competing on the vault, bars, beam and floor. The competition was a great success with many girls taking home ribbons, medals and a few overall champion trophies! Well done to our of our beautiful pink ladies who took part and well down to our winners:
-Level 2: Charlotte Moralee Overall Champion and Olivia Bell 5th Overall
-Level 3, 11&under: Isobel Gosling 2nd Overall and Lily Neilson 5th Overall
-Level 4, 11&under: Abbey Raine 3rd Overall and Beam Champion
-Level 4, 12&over: Emily Tyler Overall Champion
-Club Level 5: Rose Seymour Overall Champion
-Level 5, 11&under: Elise Blanckley 2nd Overall
-Level 6, 8 years: Pippa Nicholson 3rd Overall, Maddie Chatt 4th Overall and Phoebe Collins 6th Overall
-Level 6, 11&under: Ellie Fox Overall Champion
-Level 6, 12&over: Charlotte Jones Overall Champion, Mia Nichols 2nd Overall, Anna Barron 4th Overall, Sophie Richmond 5th Overall and Tegan Anderson 6th Overall
-Level 7, 11&under: Ruby Ward Overall Champion