Last weekend we hosted the very busy Pink Events 2 Piece Championships 2018 in our gym with all of our General Squad and a large amount of Intermediate Squad gymnasts taking part. The competition was a qualifier for the Pink Events 2 Piece Team Championships 2018 which will be taking place later on this month. All of the Pink Ladies had a very successful competition with Team Pink coming away with numerous trophies, medals and ribbons and not forgetting the infamous Pink Events Beanies which get given to every single gymnast at the end of the competition. Very well done to all of our champions, head over to the 'competition' page on the website to see the full list of results.
Level 7 - 9 Years
Vault champion - Zara Ross
Floor champion - Zara Ross
Overall champion - Zara Ross
Level 6 - 8 Years
Vault champion - Lottie Strugnell
Floor champion - Adalyn Byers
Overall champion - Ella Turner
Level 6 - 9 Years
Vault champion - Rhian Henderson
Floor champion - Sophie Breen
Overall champion - Rhian Henderson
Level 6 - 11 & Under
Overall champion - Tia Gibson
Level 5 - 12 & Over
Vault champion - Ella Fletcher-Miles
Floor champion - Ella Thornton
Overall champion - Ella Thornton
Level 4 - 11 & Under
Vault champion - Connie Lord
Floor champion - Scarlett Thompson
Overall champion - Scarlett Thompson
Level 4 - 12 & Over
Floor champion - Sophie Rought
Overall champion - Sophie Rought
Level 3 - 11 & Under
Vault champion - Emily Hewitt
Level 3 - 12 & Over
Vault champion - Piper Younghusband
Floor champion - Sophie Adams
Overall champion - Sophie Adams
Level 2 - Open
Vault champion - Tegan Anderson
Floor champion - Mia Nicholls
Overall champion - Mia Nicholls
Level 1 - Open
Vault champion - Demi Solan
Floor champion - Demi Solan
Overall champion - Demi Solan